Friday, July 8, 2011

The Lamp

I decided a couple of weeks ago that we needed a lamp for our bedroom. We have recessed lighting throughout the apartment, but sometimes it is just too bright in the bedroom. I often like to read in bed before going to sleep but the bright recessed lights were not relaxing and often kept me up later.

During yesterday's Target trip I finally remembered to look for a lamp. At first we picked out a taller, thin lamp with a small cream shade. But then we struggled for find a light bulb that would not stick out above the shade so we headed back to the lamp aisle. I spotted a blue and white shade with a very subtle floral print and told P I liked that one. Our style is pretty simplistic in terms of prints and patterns, we typically migrate to solid colors when it comes to home decor. I have mentioned to P in the past that I wanted to incorporate more feminine patterns but I think to him that meant lots of big flowers and girly colors.  So when I pointed to the lovely lamp shade I thought for sure P would grimace and point to the basic cream shade next to it. Much to my surprise his response was something like, "yeah that one is good." Next came a series of "really?" and "are you sure?" from me which were followed by "yay!" and "thankyousomuch. youarethebestboyfriendever."

I know it's just a lamp shade and maybe the only reason P agreed to it was because he was reaching his Target limit. But to me it means we're on the great path to home decorating compromise (don't get me wrong, I do have a LOT of say in our apartment decor already). Plus it looks so great in our little bedroom and made reading before bed much more enjoyable last night.

The Lamp

1 comment:

  1. Lamps! (Been dying to leave this comment for weeks now... thanks for fixing the comment feature)
