Wednesday, October 30, 2013


While many people are excited for this week filled with tricks and treats, I have a confession, Halloween is probably one of my least favorite holidays. As much as I love pumpkins and fall, I have just never really gotten into the full spirit of Halloween post childhood.

Of course I loved it as a kid. I mean who doesn't love running door to door and getting a bag full of candy?! I had some pretty good costumes too: pumpkin, angel, princess, and a hippie using some of my mom's jewelry and clothes from the 70s. But ever since my days of trick-or-treating have ended, Halloween has just not been my thing.

I remember dressing up once for Halloween in college during my freshmen year. I wore a knee-length black dress and accessorized it with a cheap tiara, pink boa, and carried a wand. I have no idea what I supposed to be, maybe a princess of some kind. I remember walking around downtown State College and realizing I had totally missed the mark. No one told me in college you're supposed to wear your shortest, tightest and most revealing outfit and accessorize with bunny ears, cat whiskers, stethoscope, etc. in order to be the "sexy (insert costume name)." I knew after that night that Halloween in college just wasn't going to be my thing. I managed to avoid dressing up the last three Halloweens of college due to other commitments or events.

After graduating college, I noticed that the majority of young 20-something females continued with the short, sexy-themed costumes so I continued to avoid participating in dressing up. The past two years we have found ourselves in a bar watching college football the Saturday before Halloween. Last year as our game was ending the bar was getting more and more packed as the Halloween party kicked off.  Of course there were groups of girls in coordinating, barely-there costumes but I observed that a fair amount of the crowd were actually dressed in more funny and clever costumes versus the overily revealing costumes. This year we didn't  stay too long in the bar as the Halloween crowed poured in. But I was happy to once again see less scantily-dressed females this year and more creative costumes....the group who dressed as Cards Against Humanity were my favorite!

Maybe there is hope that once day I'll fully embrace of the holiday of goblins and ghosts. I suspect that once we begin a family of our own and have small children to pick out and make costumes for my enthusiasm for the holiday will return in full force.

What are your thoughts on Halloween? What are you dressing up as this year? My prediction for popular costumes in 2013: Miley Cyrus at the VMAs, Breaking Bad, and foxes (thanks to the popular YouTube video from Ylvis).

For those of you dressing up and celebrating tomorrow, whether it's at a bar or trick-or-treating with little ones, please  be safe and have fun!


  1. I'm with you! I just don't love Halloween. I love the candy, but not everything else. I'm glad I'm not alone! :)

  2. halloween IS my least favorite holiday. i'm not into all of the creepy decorations. fall decor? i love! halloween decor, nope. i'm right there with ya, girl!!
    halloween shmalloween!!!! ;)


    1. Haha yes! I do not want creepy bats and witches lurking at me when I'm home!
