Thursday, November 13, 2014

Brain Dump

Taking the lead from two of my favorite blogs, Tea Time with Tess and Classic Annie and doing a brain dump today. I know I have lots of catching up to do (especially pictures from our trip) but this seemed like the easiest way to get back into things.

// I cannot believe that last week we were in Paris. We have only been back for five days and already the trip seems like it was a while ago.

// That being said, I definitely have post-vacation blues. It has been a little harder to get motivated this week and just when I thought I was over the jet lag, I have been so tired the past two days.

// In two weeks we are hosting Thanksgiving again. I feel a lot less intimated this time but am probably a lot less prepared. I do have a menu planned out and the turkey pre-ordered. I am especially excited to use our wedding china!

// It feels like the holidays came super fast this year. Maybe it is because we missed Halloween while abroad and that always seems to kick things off for me.

// P and I will put up our Christmas tree and decorations the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I just love how cozy and festive our apartment is when it is decked out for the holidays.

// I have bought a few Christmas gifts already but still have a long way to go. Most of the people in my life are pretty easy to shop for which makes it less stressful. On the other hand, I have no idea what ideas to give others for myself. P and I always struggle with this. We just don't need/want a lot anymore.

I will leave you with one my favorite pictures/selfies from our trip. I promise to recap the whole thing with lots of pictures soon!

Grateful for my amazing husband and the travels we share!

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