Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday Five

It's been a while since I did a Friday Five post! Linking up with AprilChristinaNatasha, and Darci to share the five things on my mind today.

//1// This weekend is filled with lots of holiday fun: P's company holiday party tomorrow and Jenny's annual cookie decorating party on Sunday.

//2// We ordered our Christmas cards this week and I cannot wait to get them in. Once again tiny prints did not disappoint with their selection.

//3// After spending most of the Fantasy Football season in last or second to last place, I ended the season in 5th place. I'm pretty happy with that for my first go around. I'm looking forward to competing again next year. 

//4// Next week P and I will celebrate ten years of being together. I can hardly believe that we have been together for an entire decade!

//5// One more week of work left until we will be taking some time off and heading to Ohio for the holidays. We are looking forward to some down time and rest!

I'll leave you with this teaser picture from our photo shoot with Stacy Reeves in Paris. More to come next week!


  1. OMG that last photo is stunning and now I'm kicking myself for not hiring her when we went to Paris this summer!! Stopping by from the link-up and hope you have a great weekend! Biana, BlovedBoston

  2. Your kidding me right? How beautiful is that picture. So excited to see others soon!
