Thursday, January 24, 2013


Do you use OpenTable in your area? If not, I highly recommend you get an account and use it every time you need to make a reservation. Why? Each reservation earns you 100 points which add up to gift certificates! P and I have been using OpenTable for 5+ years to make reservations for meals with family, friends, and special occasions. I always noticed we were each earning points on our accounts but never knew what they were for. Last week P explained to me that he was only 200 points (or two reservations) away from earning a $50 gift certificate. After checking my account we realized I had already earned 5,000 points and was eligible for a $50 gift certificate! Of course I redeemed those points right away and now in 3-4 weeks we will get our first "dining cheque" just in time for Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Agree about OpenTable. I'm not as close to redeeming points.
