Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Recap

I have no pictures to prove this, but Thanksgiving 2012 was a success in my book. While I spent most of Wednesday frantically washing the dog, vacuuming up dog hair, making pies, and putting the finishing touches on things around the apartment, Thursday was infinitely less stressful than I ever imagined it could be. Thanks to lots of help from my future mother-in-law and several glasses of cold, white wine, dinner was served as planned between 3:30 and 4:00pm and everyone appeared happy and full by the end of the night.

Friday morning my sisters and I were up bright and early to drive to Pennsylvania to visit our grandparents. We had a great time visiting and laughing with them. We have always had a close and special relationship with our dad's parents and this year I am especially thankful for them.

The rest of the weekend was filled with some Christmas shopping, a HUGE Penn State win, pulling out Christmas decorations, and several cat naps. I'm so excited for the lights and sounds of this holiday season. We have lots of fun things to look forward to next month!