Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! Let's get to it with a litte 5 on Friday love!
1. Yesterday my weekend unexpectantly turned into a three-day weekend. I know a lot of people get Columbus Day off but it is not one of my company's set holidays. Since many people in my company have been given stop work orders for the government contracts they support (thanks shutdown!), the president of the company decided that everyone must take a vacation day on Monday in order to prevent the company from having to begin furloughs. I am very fortunate that my contract is still funded and I'm okay sacrificing one day of vacation if it helps others in the company from being furloughed.
2. Fall weather is finally here! It has been in the low sixties during the day and fifties at night. I'm loving it! The cooler temps have brought along lots of rain the past few days but we've needed it.
3. Since it is cooler, I'm starting to think about heartier dinners to warm our bellies: black bean chili, chicken pot pie, soup....yum!
4. Tomorrow is Penn State's Homecoming. I always get nostalgic this time of year. When I was a student at Penn State, the organization I was a part of would spend all week making our float and participating in all of the activities around homecoming. I have so many great memories with P and my bestie Aubrey during homecoming.
Superhero float my junior year. Can you spot P?

Aubrey & I front and center during the Superhero skits.
5. This Sunday marks six months since we said "I Do." P has been working ungodly hours this week so we're hoping for a very quiet, email-free Sunday. We're planning to mark the six month milestone with mass at the church where we were married and brunch at the Key Bridge Marriott where our reception was held. I'm so thankful for my sweet husband and hope we can have some face time this weekend (I swear I only saw him for 2 minutes on Thursday when we said good-bye in the morning).


  1. happy 1/2way-to-a-year anny! YAY!!! always fun to celebrate. hope y'all have a great, relaxing sunday together!!! :)


  2. I just made a chicken pot pie this past week too! Hit the spot!

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