1. Jcrew Lodge Moccasins - P got me these last year and lived in them all winter. My feet seem to stay cold and these have kept me warm while bundled up on the couch.
2. EOS lip blam. I have at least two in my purse and one on my nightstand. My mom was always a chapstick hoarder and I have definitely inherited this from her.
3. Tissues with aloe. These Kleenex Tissues have been a life saver for my constant nose blowing. The aloe keeps my nose from getting raw and red.
4. My couch. My butt and the couch cushions have been getting a lot of quality as I collapse on it when I get home from work. I'm working from home today so the bonding will continue.
5. Ginger tea. Not only does the warm tea feel good on my throat, the ginger helps give me a boost and feel (almost) better.
Hope you have a fun and healthy weekend!
so sorry you're still feeling under the weather, love!! thank goodness for cutie moccasins and tissues with aloe. love those 2 little inventions! ;)