Friday, October 4, 2013

Hello Friday!

This Friday took way too long to arrive. But I'm so glad it's here. Time for my favorite link-up!

  1. I am not working today and could not be more happy about it. After working 38 hours over a three day period, this day off is much needed. Plus I have plans to meet up with Aubrey and Taylor in Maryland to check out a farm and celebrate our birthdays.
  2. I'm over the government shutdown. It is impacting my friends, family, coworkers and countless Americans. Regardless of your political affiliation, if you are not happy with your elected representatives, do yourself and the country a favor and do not reelect them. It is time to find a constructive resolution to this mess so everyone can get back to work.
  3. There's been a bit of a heat wave in the DC area this week. Highs in the mid-80s in October?! What the heck?! I need it to cool down 15-20 degrees so I'm not a sweaty fool in my sweaters, vests, and scarves.
  4. This weekend I need to give our apartment some much needed TLC. Between traveling, birthday celebrating, and the ridiclous hours that P and I have worked the past two weeks, our home has been ignored. I'm hoping to give it some love this weekend.
  5. Once again I have to give a special shout out to my husband. He has been incredibly supportive this week on so many different levels. It's been a rough week for both of us and he continues to be my rock. I don't know how I got so lucky to have this man as my husband, but I am forever grateful that I do.
Have a great weekend! =)


  1. hey girlie!! found you on the linkup. excited to be a new follower!!! :)

    been thinking about the wonderful folks affected by the gov shutdown all week.

    and props to the hubby shoutout! love that encouragement!!


    1. Thanks for stopping by!

      Lots of prayers that this shutdown ends soon!

  2. I found your blog through the linkup! I was super excited to see that your'e in DC--I was born & raised there!!

  3. Yay DC!! We've lived in the area for 6.5 years (in the District for 3.5) and love it!
