Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Life To Do List

I am a big fan of making lists and I especially love crossing things off of my list.

I thought it would be fun to develop a giant "Life To Do List." Basically a list of all things I want to accomplish, ideally in the next 5-10 years but could be longer. I've seen other bloggers create lists like "30 Things Before I'm 30" or "101 in 1001" (101 things in 1001 days)  but I didn't want to restrict myself with time.

I'm sure this list will grow and evolve over time and I hope to update it periodically on the blog.

1. Start a family.
2. Buy a house.
3. Take another trip to an island in the Caribbean.
4. Visit NYC at Christmas time.
5. Run another half-marathon.
6. Spend a weekend at a cabin in the mountains.
7. Visit all 50 states (only 23 more to go!).
8. Give up Diet Coke for at least a month.
9. Take a trip to northern Europe to Norway and Denmark.
10. Get a second dog.
11. Go to a Penn State Bowl game.
12. Embrace a healthier lifestyle by incorporating more greens and vegetables into our daily eating, walking/biking more in the city, watching less tv etc.
13. Drink more hot tea.
14. Pay off all school loans.
15. Research our family's genealogy (I have a lot of information on my dad's side of the family but would love to learn more about my mom's family and Patrick's family)
16. Make homemade ice cream.
17. Bake homemade bread.
18. Consolidate my grandmother's cookie (and other) recipes into a book that my sisters and cousins can enjoy and use in the future.
19. Start a garden and maintain it.
20. Cook a Thanksgiving dinner by myself with minimal help, i.e. prep the turkey without needing assistance from my mom or mother-in-law.
21. Teach a CCD (Continuing Catholic Development) class at church.
22. Go stand-up paddle boarding on the Potomac.
23. Run the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler.
24. Buy a new Volvo (once my Jetta reaches its final days).
25. Lay wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery.
26. Take a tour of the White House.
27. Take a tour of the Capitol.
28. Go to the top of the Washington Monument.
29. Visit George Washington's Mount Vernon home.
30. Visit Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.
31. Leave 100% tip for excellent service.
32. Grow fresh herbs and use them in my cooking.
33. Consistently read 20-25 books each year.
34. Explore more hiking trails near Washington, DC.
35. Maintain my blog.
36. Continue to create "Year in Review" books to document our lives.
37. Visit State College on a non-football weekend.
38. Buy a season ticket package for the Washington Nationals.
39. Attend mass regularly.
40. Complete scrapbooks that I have already started.
42. Host a Christmas cookie exchange party.
43. Play a whole round of golf with P.
44. Read a book written in French.
45. Watch 5 classic movies like Casablanca and Breakfast at Tiffany's.
46. Read 5 classics, like Catcher in the Rye and The Sun Also Rises.
47. Donate annually to Penn State.
48. Learn how to curl my hair quickly.
49. Take a flower arranging class.
50. Take a cooking class with P.

What are some of the things on your to do list?


  1. There are so many of these that I want to do, too! #1, #7, #22, #25, #26, #31, #49 ...

    Other things that I want to accomplish someday:

    - Build a house
    - Write a book
    - Go to Greece
    - Own a boat
    - Volunteer with more regularity

    1. I'm thinking #26 and #49 would be great things to do together!
