Monday, August 26, 2013

Currently Reading

Admittedly I have not been reading as much as I usually do this summer. I blame it on lack of pool/beach time and the stupid Candy Crush app on iphone. I read three books in one week on our honeymoon and I think I've barely read three since May. My goal is to read at least five more books before the end of the year (hopefully more).

Right now I am currently reading Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald. I'm about a third of the way into it and have really enjoyed it so far. It starts off with a teenage Zelda in Montogomery, Alabama and tells the story of how she and F. Scott met and fell in love. The novel relives their glamorous life in NYC, Paris, and the French Riveria with their friends the Hemingways and Gertrude Stein while also exploring their personal demons. Z has the same feel as The Paris Wife (which I loved) but Zelda seems to have had a little more personality and spunk than Hadley Hemingway which makes this a fun read.

This summer I read J. Courtney Sullivan's newest novel The Engagements. I loved this book and devoured it in a few days. I have also read Sullivan's novels Maine and Commencement so I knew she would not disappoint in her third book. The novel follows several couples who are married (or don't marry) for various reasons over a nearly hundred year period. Sullivan's novels are written beautifully and always make me take a second to think about my own life

This summer I finally finished a book that I think I started in January. Admittedly, it was very difficult to get into the model. It wasn't until I was about a third of the way through that it really started to pick up. The Darlings follows a high society New York City family that finds itself in the middle of a financial investigation (think Bernie Madoff) and other scandalous affairs. If you can get through the slow start, I definitely recommend making it through to the end!

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