Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday Randoms

//1// Like most of the country we are freezing here in D.C. today. We woke up to a wind chill that felt like -4 degrees and needless to say walking Calvin has not been much fun. It looks like things are going to start warming up to more normal temperatures as the week goes on. Until then, I'm planning to survive on hot chocolate.

//2// P texted me this some ecard today with the words "Ich Liebe Dich Meine Bohnchen" (I love you bean). Of course it made me laugh that he was shouting at me in German through text but it also warmed my heart. I love when he does things like that!

//3// With the start of the new year comes a list of things I want to get done like cleaning out closets, organizing drawers, etc. I know I will eventually get around to the list but I just haven't felt motivated yet. I'm hoping it's just the cold weather since I'd much rather be cozied up on the couch in sweats and blankets.

//4// One of my favorite shows in high school was Felicity on the CW. A few years ago P got me the box set for my birthday and I rewatched the series right away. The past few weeks I've been rewatching it again. I don't know what it is, but I just love it. Seasons 1 & 2 are my favorite. At this point I can have it on as background noise and get other things done since I know exactly what happens and could probably recite way too many of the lines. For the record, I was always team Ben.

//5// My sister-in-law got me this book for Christmas and I love it! It's a quick read and perfect for this Francophile!

Hope everyone is staying warm!!

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