Wednesday, December 11, 2013

2013 Christmas Card

I love sending and receiving Christmas cards. For the past 5+ years I have handmade our Christmas cards. It is something I have enjoyed doing especially while watching Christmas movies. This year we decided that we would order Christmas cards and use one of our wedding pictures (got to get our money's worth!). While I missed designing layouts for the cards and hand picking which card would go to who, it was also nice to simply have to stuff envelopes and address them.

There are so many great companies available for picking out the perfect Christmas card, but we ultimately went with tinyprints. Not only did they have amazing deals that saved us lots of money, they had the classic "Merry Christmas" that we were looking for. P's only request was that the card was mostly red. I wanted a flat card. After looking through lots of options and several debates we eventually found one we both loved.

We're both really happy with how it turned out and hope our friends and family love them as much as we do. I even picked up a frame to display the card with our other Christmas decor. I think it will be fun to frame our Christmas cards to see how we and our family changes each year.

Do you send Christmas cards?


  1. LOVE your card!!! And love that y'all framed it! We do the same! EEE! Love love love!!!!

  2. We framed our Christmas card that we used as a save the date, and we actually have it hanging all year! It's a fun idea to only bring it out at the holidays. Love your card and love you two!
